Every now and then, you will experience some slowdown on your computer and it could either be a virus or simply your registry is dirty. The cause of a dirty registry is when you install and uninstall a lot of applications. When you uninstall an application, most of the application usually leaves a registry record on your computer and doing an uninstall won’t simply removed it. The best method to clean a registry is by doing it manually however, as a normal user it is time consuming and can get technical that could lead on breaking your operating system instead of having it cleaned.
For cleaning a computer system registry. I recommended a few tools to do that in my resources page. However, before you do any cleaning on your registry it is best that you do a system backup on your computer first. If you are not familiar on how to do backup, please follow this guide.
Once you have made a backup, you can start doing a scan registry on your OS. Make sure that you review the result of the scan before doing the clean.
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